The Power of Routines is written by Suzy Carbrey ⧫

New Year, New Beginnings: Embracing the Power of Routines

As January brings the promise of new beginnings, it’s the perfect time to explore the life-changing potential of routines, especially for adults navigating life with ADHD. In the spirit of fresh starts and setting new goals, let’s set out on a journey towards improved organization and time management skills.

Resonating with Resolutions: Tailoring Tips for ADHD 

The Power of Routines: Creating Flexible Structure for Adults with ADHDIn a world where resolutions abound, many pledge to be more organized, productive, and focused in the coming year. For adults with ADHD, these aspirations may seem daunting, but fear not – this blog post is here to provide actionable tips and advice crafted specifically for you.

Establishing routines is especially beneficial for adults with ADHD as they provide structure, predictability, and external support for managing executive functioning challenges. routines help reduce decision fatigue by automating certain aspects of daily life, allowing individuals with ADHD to focus their cognitive resources more effectively. Additionally, routines facilitate habit formation, improve time management, and support task initiation.

Embracing the Positive: A Resolution Grounded in What’s Already Working
The Power of Routines: Creating Flexible Structure for Adults with ADHD

In a world where resolutions echo promises of change, consider taking a unique approach this year. Instead of fixating on what needs improvement, take a moment to reflect on what is already working well in your life. What moments bring you joy, fulfillment, and a sense of accomplishment? As an adult with ADHD, it’s crucial to recognize and celebrate your strengths.

The beauty of curating resolutions that stick for those who have ADHD lies in building on existing strengths. Rather than viewing goals of organization, productivity, and focus as impossible challenges, see them as opportunities to amplify what already brings positivity to your life. Take stock of the moments when you feel most in control and engaged, and let those instances become the foundation of your resolutions.

For instance, if you find that you thrive in creative pursuits during specific times of the day, consider incorporating that energy into your daily routines. Align your resolution with your natural rhythms, and watch as the process of improvement becomes an organic evolution rather than an uphill battle.

Crafting Freedom: The Essence of Flexibility in Your Routines

The Power of Routines: Creating Flexible Structure for Adults with ADHD

In a world where conformity often dictates the rhythm of our lives, especially for adults with ADHD, it’s important to embrace the liberating truth that one size does not fit all. The power of routines lies in the ability to fashion a flexible structure that bends and molds according to your individual needs and energy levels. Break free from the narrative that dictates how and when tasks should be accomplished.

Your routines do not need to match anyone else’s standards or expectations. The unique beauty of crafting routines for adults with ADHD is the acknowledgment that each journey is inherently different. The power is not in forcing yourself to follow someone else’s idea of perfect routines; rather, it lies in creating a personalized structure that flows seamlessly with your lifestyle.

This year, defy the norms and embrace the unconventional. If your peak productivity hits during unusual hours, celebrate it. Let your routines support your individuality, unburdened by external pressures. Consider this as an invitation to break free from the trap of comparing yourself to others. Let your routines act as the stage where the authentic scenes of your life play out, allowing your individual narrative to take center stage and flourish.

Harmonizing Energy Peaks: Unleashing Productivity through Energy Management

Let’s delve into the profound notion that effective time management is equally about the management of one’s energy. It’s not merely about maximizing productivity but also about creating the space to relish moments of doing nothing.

Recognizing your energy peaks throughout the day is a transformative insight. Pinpoint when you’re operating at your optimum, and strategically address your most demanding tasks during these periods. By synchronizing your activities with your natural rhythm, you not only tap into newfound productivity and focus but also cultivate a mindful approach to time management.

Incorporating the wisdom of energy management allows for a holistic perspective on time utilization. It’s not solely about constant activity but about optimizing the ebb and flow of your energy to enhance overall effectiveness. This approach encourages the acknowledgment that having time for moments of leisure and reflection is equally vital. So, as you ride the waves of your productivity peaks, remember to carve out time for doing nothing – a practice essential for rejuvenation and sustained progress.

The Power of Routines: Creating Flexible Structure for Adults with ADHDProgress over Perfection: Embracing Setbacks as Stepping Stones

Life with ADHD unfolds as a continuous journey, not a fixed destination. Stumbling blocks are an inherent part of this dynamic path, but the true measure of resilience lies in rising after each setback, ready to forge ahead. Setbacks, though inevitable, serve as stepping stones, propelling you forward on your unique journey.

It’s crucial to internalize the mantra: progress over perfection. Perfection is an illusion, but progress is tangible and achievable. Expect setbacks, embrace them, and then take two strides forward. Each setback is not a sign to give up but an opportunity to recalibrate, learn, and refine your approach. In the grand view of your journey, setbacks are not detours but essential steps contributing to the richness of your experience.

Remind yourself that anything worth pursuing is worth doing even partially. Every small step you take is a celebration, a testament to your commitment to progress. Instead of viewing setbacks as roadblocks, see them as guideposts nudging you to reassess and realign your course. Your goals may seem distant at times, but with each setback figured out and every lesson learned, you are not just moving forward; you are evolving.

As we navigate the ever-evolving journey of life, it’s essential to acknowledge that missing routines is a natural fact of life. Life, with its unexpected twists and turns, may lead to disruptions—be it due to illness or the well-deserved break of a vacation. It’s not only okay but advisable to plan for these moments, making it easier to seamlessly return to your routines afterward. Deliberate deviations can be anticipated, ensuring that you remain in control, even when life takes you off the beaten path.

However, the key lies in intentional planning versus thoughtless omission. While missing a day here and there is expected, doing so without purpose or in excess can lead to inadvertently reverting to old habits. This can pose a challenge in resetting and resuming your routines. Therefore, approach planning with the understanding that life’s interruptions are part of the journey but should be managed mindfully. By doing so, you not only embrace the natural ebb and flow of life but also fortify your ability to recalibrate, reset, and continue your path of progress with purpose and resilience.

Practical Application: Taking Concrete Steps Towards Positive Change

The Power of Routines: Creating Flexible Structure for Adults with ADHDRoutines are not abstract concepts; they are practical tools that you can start implementing immediately. Let’s break it down with easy-to-start routine ideas:

  1. Start Your Morning Intentionally:
  • Begin your day with a moment of mindfulness.
  • Set realistic goals for the day ahead.
  • Create a flexible structure that can be adapted to suit your needs.
  1. Capitalize on Your Energy Peaks:
  • Identify your peak productivity hours and schedule important tasks accordingly.
  • Prioritize tasks based on their importance and urgency.
  1. End Your Day by Preparing for Tomorrow:
  • Reflect on your achievements for the day.
  • Set a positive tone for the next day by preparing and organizing your essentials the night before.

Inspiration for the Journey AheadThe Power of Routines: Creating Flexible Structure for Adults with ADHD

Remember, each small step you take is a victory in itself. Celebrate progress over perfection, and as you continue to build and refine your routines, you’ll discover the incredible power it holds in bringing stability and focus to your life.

So, here’s to the power of routines, to progress over perfection, and to the small steps that lead to monumental change. Embrace the new year with a commitment to structure, and watch as each intentional action propels you toward a brighter, more organized future. The journey begins with you, one routine at a time.

Harness The Power of Routines with Online Coaching for Executive Functioning / ADHD

Ready to gain control and enhance your executive functioning? As an experienced and compassionate coach, I specialize in providing support for executive functioning and ADHD. To embark on your journey, please reach out to me at 708-264-2899 or email to schedule a FREE 20-minute discovery call consultation.

With a background as a speech-language pathologist, I have a strong foundation in executive functioning coaching. My graduate degree program in SLP placed a significant emphasis on cognition, including executive functions, and I have years of experience in medical rehabilitation, providing cognitive-communication therapy. Additionally, I have completed an ADHD Services Provider certification program, I am Solutions-Focused Brief Therapy Diamond Level 1 certified and I am trained in the Seeing My Time® executive functioning curriculum.

Experience the convenience and effectiveness of online coaching, backed by studies that demonstrate equal results to in-person services. Parents, professionals, and emerging adults love the convenience and privacy of receiving coaching from their own homes.

Whether you reside in Chicago, Milwaukee, Indianapolis, Kansas City, or anywhere else around the globe, I am here to assist you. Schedule your discovery call consultation today, and I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to work with you!

Please note that although I am a certified speech-language pathologist, all services Suzy Carbrey LLC provides are strictly coaching and do not involve clinical evaluation or treatment services. If you require a formal speech therapy evaluation and treatment, please inform me, and I can provide appropriate recommendations.