Originally posted on Bold Journey

We recently connected with Suzy Carbrey and have shared our conversation below.

Suzy, thank you so much for making time for us. We’ve always admired your ability to take risks and so maybe we can kick things off with a discussion around how you developed your ability to take and bear risk?

Taking risks is about embracing uncertainty and being willing to step outside of your comfort zone. Personally, I’ve found that the more you expose yourself to new challenges, the more comfortable and adept you become at navigating the unknown. It’s a skill that improves with practice.

Overthinking can be a major obstacle to taking risks. I’ve learned to trust my instincts and recognize that even if things don’t go as planned, there’s always an opportunity to learn and grow. Adopting a mindset that everything is figureoutable helps to work through things without knowing how they will turn out.

I am someone who tends to regret the things I did not try not the things that I did. This encourages me to seize opportunities and take calculated risks. However, it’s also crucial to strike a balance. I’ve realized the importance of slowing down, enjoying the present moment, and finding value in stillness. Life is a delicate dance between ambition and contentment, and I aim to find harmony between the two.

Thanks for sharing that. So, before we get any further into our conversation, can you tell our readers a bit about yourself and what you’re working on?

I’m an executive function and ADHD coach with a background as a speech-language pathologist. My journey began in adult medical rehab, where I realized the profound impact of cognition and executive functioning on individuals’ lives. Inspired by this, I translated my skills to support everyday people facing executive function challenges.

What excites me most is the fusion of creativity and practicality in my approach. While people might not immediately associate speech-language pathology with executive functions, my background in cognitive rehabilitation allows me to bring a fresh perspective. My focus is on empowering adults, parents, and professionals with ADHD to navigate their challenges successfully.

Continuously evolving, I’ve recently launched a membership with two levels, complementing my one-on-one coaching. This ensures accessibility for a broader audience while providing me with the variety I thrive on. Beyond the conventional, I infuse creativity into my strategies. My mission is to make executive function coaching uniquely effective and enjoyable.

There is so much advice out there about all the different skills and qualities folks need to develop in order to succeed in today’s highly competitive environment and often it can feel overwhelming. So, if we had to break it down to just the three that matter most, which three skills or qualities would you focus on?

Reflecting on my journey, three key elements stand out as instrumental. First, resilience has been my bedrock. The ability to bounce back from setbacks, learn from them, and keep moving forward is paramount. It’s not about avoiding challenges but embracing them as stepping stones.

Second, adaptability played a crucial role. The landscape of therapy and coaching is ever-evolving. Being open to new approaches, technologies, and insights has allowed me to stay relevant and offer valuable support.

Lastly, an in-depth understanding of executive functioning and communication has been very impactful in my work. This knowledge, rooted in my background as a speech-language pathologist, has been the cornerstone of my coaching.

For those starting their journey, my advice is simple. Cultivate resilience – view challenges as opportunities to grow. Embrace adaptability – be open to change and innovation. Invest in knowledge – understanding your field inside out will set you apart. Remember, every step is a chance to learn and refine your craft.

Tell us what your ideal client would be like?

My ideal clients are adults experiencing challenges related to ADHD or executive functioning. I have a passion for supporting professionals and parents who are searching for practical strategies to enhance their progress. Those who have experimented with conventional productivity advice without finding success are particularly welcomed, as are individuals in need of external support and accountability. I specialize in working with twice-exceptional adults, recognizing and addressing both their unique strengths and challenges. Clients seeking guidance in goal development and tangible results are a perfect fit for my coaching. For those who may not be ready for one-on-one coaching, my membership program provides a valuable stepping stone. Above all, my ideal clients are self-aware individuals who acknowledge their challenges and are ready to take steps to improve.

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Originally posted on Bold Journey